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Government Of Assam Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Directorate of AH & Veterinary

Get Valuation done for my Animal


  • Application for valuation can to be made to the nearest Veterinary Centre
  • Valuation is to be done in the presence of owner/Insurance company representative/veterinary officer


For Insurance, valuation has to be done of animals. Animals including Cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, pig, horses and rabbits can be valued and insured. Valuation is doen int he presence of Owner/Insurer/Veterinary Officer. Valuation depends on age, milk yield, physical health, body wieght, inherent characteristics, crossbreed value, etc.

Process Flow

  1. Application in plain paper has to be submitted before the nearest veterinary centre.
  2. Insurance company has to be informed.
  3. Valuation is done in the presence of Owner/Insurer/Veterinary Officer.

Eligibility Criteria

  • All Citizens of Assam


There is no fees


  1. Valuation Certificate (It is after the post mortem certificate)


  1. Details have to be submitted by farmer to nearest Veterinary Centre
  2. The  nearest designated veterinary officer will do the valuation in presence of farmer and insurance representative.

How to apply

  1. Application to be made in plain paper to the nearest Veterinary centre.
  2. Application should contain details of animal including Sex, Age, Time and date of death. Additional information may be asked by the Veterinary Officer.

Type of Service

Offline Service

Whom to Contact for more information

Nearest Veterinary Centre

Contact list of District-wise Veterinary Officers

Contact List of District-wise Veterinary Centres

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