List of district-wise Veterinary Centres: Click Here
List of district-wise AI Centres: Click Here
It is a veterinary institution wherein facilities for day-to-day treatment, immunization, vaccination, Artificial insemination, surgical intervention etc. of livestock and bird are carried out by the Veterinary Assistant Surgeon who is assisted by paravet staff viz. S.V.F.A, V.F.A and Gr. IV staff.
It is a veterinary institution located in prescribed jurisdiction areas under the A.H. & Veterinary department where in treatment, immunization (vaccination), Artificial insemination, surgical intervention of livestock and poultry are carried out by the Veterinary Assistant Surgeon (VAS) who is assisted by paravets staff viz. S.V.F.A, V.F.A and Grade IV staff.
In the block level this institution is known as Block Veterinary Dispensary, where in addition to treatment, artificial insemination, surgical intervention of livestock and poultry etc. emphasis are given in extension activities like training of farmers, developing linkage with different financial institutions or with different PRI institutions related to A.H. & Veterinary activities are carried out by Extension Officer, Veterinary [E.O. (Vety.)].
It is a veterinary institution located in prescribed jurisdiction areas under the A.H. & Veterinary department, where in minor veterinary practices are carried out by the S.V.F.A/ V.F.A under supervision of concern VAS / E.O. (Vety) respectively.
These institutions fall under the jurisdiction prescribed by the A.H. & Veterinary Department to carry out Artificial insemination activities (A.I) for cattle / buffalo/ goat, upgradation works particularly in the areas of jurisdiction as earmarked and performed by VAS who is assisted by paravets. In addition to A.I activities and other veterinary activities like in treatment, pregnancy diagnosis, immunization (vaccination) of livestock and poultry are also looked by this institution routinely.
Dr. Pabitra Pator
Phone No: 94351 46959
Joint Director (HQ)
Directorate of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary
Guwahati 781003