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Government Of Assam Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Directorate of AH & Veterinary

Get a Post Mortem done for my animal


  • Application for post mortem has to be made within 7 days of death to nearest Veterinary Centre
  • Report will be given by the Veterinary surgeon within 3 days of reciept of application or 3 days of reciept of further test reports, whichever is later.
  • Insurance company also has to be notified along with Veterinary Centre.


After an animal dies, a post-mortem has to be done to collect insurance or to detect cause of death inorder to prevent spread of disease if any. The Department of AH & Veterinary has a very simple process for this and the nearest Veterinary Officer needs to be contacted within 7 days of death.

Process Flow

  1. Application in the prescribed format to be submitted before the nearest veterinary surgeon.
  2. Insurance company has to be informed.
  3. The Veterinary Surgeon may seek more information relevant to the subject if felt necessary.
  4. The nearest designated veterinary surgeon will perform the post mortem and give the report within a maximum period of 3 (three) days.
  5. In case the death is due to any disease and Designated Veterinary Surgeon feels that any sample (morbid or sera) is required to be sent to laboratory for testing, the Designated Veterinary Surgeon will inform the applicant about the same and the report will be submitted within 3 (three) days of receipt of the same from laboratory.

Eligibility Criteria

  • All Citizens of Assam


There is no fees


  1. Post-Mortem Certificate


  1. Details have to be submitted by farmer to nearest Veterinary Centre within 1 week.
  2. The nearest designated veterinary surgeon will perform the post mortem and give the report within a maximum period of 3 (three) days.
  3. In case the death is due to any disease and Designated Veterinary Surgeon feels that any sample (morbid or sera) is required to be sent to laboratory for testing, the Designated Veterinary Surgeon will inform the applicant about the same and the report will be submitted within 3 (three) days of receipt of the same from laboratory.

How to apply

  1. Application to be made in plain paper to the nearest Veterinary centre.
  2. Application should contain details of animal including Sex, Age, Time and date of death. Additional information may be asked by the Veterinary surgeon.

Type of Service

This is NOT an online service as of now.

Whom to Contact for more information

Nearest Veterinary Centre

Contact list of District-wise Veterinary Officers

Contact List of District-wise Veterinary Centres

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