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Government Of Assam Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Directorate of AH & Veterinary

ASCAD (Assistance to States for Control of Animal Diseases)


Assistance to States for Control of Animal Diseases (ASCAD) is a joint scheme of Government of India and Government of Assam on 75:25 basis, through which economically important diseases of birds and animals are sought to be controlled/eradicated in livestock and poultry.


  • Mass vaccination
  • Proper monitoring and surveillance
  • Treatment
  • Public awareness


  • Upgradation of the Institute of Veterinary Biological, Khanapara as per GMP norms to meet the demand of increased vaccine production.
  • Establishment/Renovation of District Disease Diagnostic Laboratories for monitoring & surveillance of disease status.
  • Disease mapping.


  1. Production of vaccine
  2. Procurement of vaccine
  3. Vaccination programme
  4. Cold chain maintenance
  5. Modernization/alteration of IVB
  6. Establishment of DDL
  7. Training programme
  8. Surveillance and Monitoring
  9. Information and Communication
  10. Control of emergent and exotic diseases


S. N. Year Vaccine (In Doses) Awareness Camp Training
Production Procurement District Level Block Level Vets Para-Vets
1 2003-04 917600 0 0 0 0 0
 2 2004-05 1098545 79450 0 0 0 0
 3 2005-06 1703970 0 0 0 0 0
 4 2006-07 938475 700000 11 72 137 29
 5 2007-08 1775190 498500 26 390 73 37
 6 2008-09 614620 717300 0 0 0 115
 7 2009-10 32230 785000 0 0 100 0
 8 2010-11 19180 2364290 26 210 80 100
 9 2011-12 156940 1211100 26 437 20 100
 10 2012-13 170725 3487500 26 438 200 200
 11 2013-14 592954 3749950 0 0 0 200
 12 2014-15 385020 1482930    0 0 0 0
Total 8405449 15076020 115 1547 610 781

Whom to Contact

Dr. Utpal Bharadwaj, Nodal Officer, ASCAD

OTI Building, Farm Gate
GS Road, Khanapara
Phone: 86382 08759